On February 4, State Senator Chris Caughman came on the TalkShow to discuss the Legislation Session along with his Campaign...
On Monday, February 4, State Senator Michael Watson, candidate for Secretary of State, was able to stop by for a...
On another episode of the TalkShow, Agriculture and Commerce Commissioner Andy Gipson sat down to answer questions the state's economy....
On Monday night, January, 7, Governor Candidate Robert Foster sat down to discuss the future of Mississippi. Foster talked about...
Robert Foster, Republican candidate for Governor, will be appearing on the TalkShow Monday, January 7. Foster, freshman Representative from Desoto...
Beginning our discussion on the TalkShow, we discussed some of the major national news items of the year. This year...
On Monday, December 3, Secretary of State Delbert Hosemann stopped by to visit with us on the TalkShow. Over the...
On Monday, November 19, Simpson County Circuit Clerk Steve Womack joined Mrs. Sue and I on the TalkShow. We discussed...
Circuit Clerk Steve Womack will join us Monday, November 19 at 6:00 p.m. for the MageeNews.com Talkshow with Zach Holbrook....
Farm Bureau announced that US Senate Candidates Espy and Hyde-Smith will debate on November 20. The debate will be sponsored...
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