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Shane Steele, City of Magee Deputy Fire Marshall and head of the building/safety division, announced after deeper study of the City of Magee zoning books there are feasible laws for additional clean up in the city. At this time, Shane is concentrating on unusable cars and trucks in people’s yards and property.

Steele gave a report on the property located at 807 5th Avenue SE owned by Mary Ann Hudson. Mary Ann and Timothy Hudson have begun a clean up of their property. The board voted to allow the Hudsons to continue clean up with a hearing set for July 19, 2022 with an update of progress on the property.
Steps to clean up property at 106 4th Avenue SW has begun. A hearing is set for August 2, 2022 at City Hall Courtroom.
Call City Hall or Shane to report property problems. (601-849-3344) Please have the address of where the property in question is located.
(Picture is of property on 4th Avenue) is an online news source serving Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi.