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Brian Hubbard and Kannan Stubbs met before the Simpson County Board of Supervisions as representatives of the Simpson County Country Club asking for assistance on designating the Country Club as a resort status. ABC Beverage requires a resolution from the Simpson County Board of Supervisors governing body due to the property being located in the county. The application and resolution are sent to ABC and the Department of Revenue who will hold a hold a public hearing. ABC will be the determining body on if the club can become resort status or not. The board agreed to the resolution.
Buddy Wolverton gave an updated status on state aid and LSBP Projects.
SAP-64(16)M- (Surface Maintenance) Cato Road
- 24.41% Complete
- 15.00 % Elapsed time
- Contractor has completed base repairs and levelling. Will reseal next year.
SAP-64(19)S – (Surface Maintenance) Mt. Zion to Shivers road and St. Johns Road
- 36.72% Complete
- 21.82% Elapse time
- Contractor has completed base repairs and leveling. Will reseal next year.
LSBP-64(23) – (Bridge Replacement) Sofa Road
- Working on P.S. & E Assembly. Have mailed out utility agreements.
- Can start acquiring right of way.
SAP-64(64) – (Grade, Drain, Base & Surface) Star – Braxton Road
Office Review Plans were mailed to state Aid on October 27, 2020. Utility Agreements have been mailed out. The acquiring of right of ways can begin.
The board approved the following items submitted by the Sheriff.
- Approval for dispatchers Brandi Mitchell and Felicia Hamilton to attend Disasters and the Work Place certification class November 30, 2020, Flowood Police Department at a cost of $239 each for a total of $478.00.
- Approval for Calvin Wayne Palmer part-time certified jailor to be moved to full-time jailer.
- Approval for Adrain Durr detention officer full-time to be moved to full-time sheriff’s deputy non-certified.
- Approval for Omnigo Software renewal in the amount of $15,076.95.
- Approval for National Sheriff’s Association 2021 dues to be paid in the amount of $175.00.
- Approval for Sheriff Mullins to attend 2020 Sheriff’s Winter Conference at the Golden Nugget in Biloxi, MS on December 7-11, 2020. Hotel and travel fees included.
The board approved in a 4-1 vote with Supervisor Danny Craft opposing to bury a dead cow. A discussion of burring cows in the future was held. The board voted moving forward to not bury any more cattle unless due to a catastrophic event of 3 or more animals.
Future Board Meeting:
- Monday, November 16, 2020 – Recessed Meeting
- Tuesday, December 7, 2020 – Regular Meeting
- Tuesday, December 15, 2020 – Recessed Meeting
- Veteran’s Day – Wednesday November 11, 2020
- Thanksgiving Holidays – Thursday & Friday, November 26 & 27, 2020
- Christmas Holidays – Thursday & Friday, December 24 & 25, 2020
- New Year’s Holiday – Thursday & Friday, December 31,2020 and January 1, 2021 is an online news source covering Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi.