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My name is Sue Honea, and I am seeking re-election for the position of Magee’s Alderman-at-Large. Over the past for years, I have treasured the opportunity to serve the city I love as an alderman. I have focused my efforts on on cleaning up derelict properties, improving infrastructure, and creating beautiful spaces that welcome visitors and make citizens feel at home. I have been instrumental in facilitating the city’s cemetery committee, which has worked diligently to map the city’s cemetery and make it easier to navigate, as well as to keep it clean and enhance the entrance with new paint and a beautiful new sign. I have also been part of the creation of the Magee Development and Improvement Committee, which has worked to beautify our city by decorating for holidays and planting flowerbeds around town.
As part of the Central Mississippi Planning and Development District, I have learned so much through continuing education, including through courses about water management and infrastructure. Our board has put that knowledge to use through our city’s water meter project and its paving project, which paved $1 million worth of asphalt.
We are continuing development of our city’s parks, and I have been and will continue to be a voice for maintenance and improvement of our city’s Sportsplex, as well as our many other parks. We have labored to bring a new playground to our city park, make additions and enhancements to Marvin Jackson and Ural Everett Parks, and upgrade our city’s tennis complex.
One of the most rewarding parts of serving as your alderman-at-large has been interacting with you, Magee’s citizens. I answer my phone, and I always will. I will listen to you and advocate for you.
Thank you for your vote.