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Chandler Pittman and Diana Holland served as pages at the State Capitol the week of April 18th-April 22nd. Chandler is the son of DeWayne and Kathy Pittman. He is a 7th grader at Magee Middle School.
He is the grandson of Devon and Janice Dampeer of Magee, Hazel Pittman, and Virgil and Earnestine Walker of Mt. Olive, Ms.
Diana is the daughter of Anne Marie Holland and Brad Holland of Magee. She is a Junior at Magee High School.
Pages assist House members during session, run errands, and have the opportunity to witness important legal debates. When asked about the week, Chandler states, “I am thankful my Uncle is the Sergeant At Arms for the House of Representatives and I enjoyed representing Magee Middle School while meeting new friends.” Diana states, “this is my second time to serve as a page and hopefully I will experience it again as a Senior next year, she also added it’s very interesting and educational.”
Pictured: Karell Dampeer; Sergeant At Arms for the House of Representatives, Diana Holland; House Page, Chandler Pittman; House Page, and Philip Gunn; Speaker of the Mississippi House of Representatives.
Pictured: Chandler Pittman; House Page, and his Uncle Karell Dampeer; Sergeant At Arms for the House of Representatives