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Mara Polk, Kimberly Cook, and Frances Meadows with the Central MS Library Region met before the Board of Alderman Tuesday, March 19, 2019 to present Magee Library with a certificate for being named 3rd Best Library in the Region. Magee is in a region with Simpson, Scott, Rankin, and Smith counties. Magee library had 6,988 attendees for programs in the last year, 45,314 visitors, 30,007 items that were circulated.
Board members approved to name the road entering Blue Berry Peace Venue as Blue Berry Peace Street.
Mayor Berry advised the board there were $225,000 available for paving projects. Each ward will receive $45,000. Board members will notify the mayor with what streets needs repairing in their prospective wards.
Mayor Berry announced that the Governor had approved House Bill 991 Tuesday allowing cities to collect debts owed for fines through the debtors Ms Income tax return. The bill reads as AN ACT TO ENACT THE “LOCAL GOVERNMENT DEBT COLLECTION SETOFF ACT”; TO AUTHORIZE COUNTIES AND MUNICIPALITIES TO SUBMIT CERTAIN DEBTS OWED TO THEM TO THE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE FOR COLLECTION THROUGH A SETOFF AGAINST THE DEBTORS’ MISSISSIPPI INCOME TAX REFUND. The bill will help the city with revenue for unpaid old fines.
Park Director David reported approximately 750 boys and girls have registered for league baseball and softball play.
Mayor Berry announced Southern Pine was replacing 58 non-working lights . Two lights located at the high school baseball field will be replaced once the field is dry. The replacement of the lights will require a 100 foot lift which will be operated from the field area.
In police matters, Magee Chief Randy Crawford announced that Landon Ates had submitted a letter of resignation effective in 2 weeks. The board approved Chris Jones to become the new dog handler. Chris is already certified as a dog handler. Board approved to move Billy Sighini from part-time office to full time officer. The board approved Chief Randy Crawford to attend the Annual Chief Conference at the Gulf Coast June 25-28.
Building Inspector Joe Worrell met before the board discussing solutions he is working on with the Simpson County Supervisors of cost and equipment for E911. Worrell is meeting with Jackson Communication, Comp South for pricing and possible a solution of adding system to new CAD module as an add on for a relatively low price.
The board approved to purchase 2 new Ipads for a cost of $569.00 each to accompany the new CMPDD mapping program the city is using.
The board approved the low bid of $8,900 from Shivers to replace the lighting at the YMCA walking trail.
Keifur Grimes with Barge Engineering firm, retired FFA, met before the board to explain requirements for skydiving. Divers are required a 660 foot clearance for diving, License D divers (example professional or top level diver) only require 80 feet. All pilots must be licensed. The city would develop rules and requirements on when and how parachuters could jump if a decision to move forward was made.