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By James Davis
The Scriptural passage for today is found in 1 Chronicles 16:25: “For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; He is to be praised above all gods.” Yes, God is great and is awesome. We, His children, recognize this and are not to shrink from giving Him praise and recognition for His rightful place in His own universe. All other gods pale in comparison. While we no longer worship stone statues of gods in human form, as was the custom in many civilizations of the past, we are more likely in today’s society to “gods” of wealth and celebrity. We, as Christians, are to set our affections on things above (GOD) and not on things of this earth. All remnants of this life will fade into nothingness; yet, God will still reign triumphant! Thank you, God, for your constancy.
Let’s be sure to share and spread the love, joy, and kindness today with all those with whom we come in contact. Let others see in us the difference God has made in our lives.
Happy Thursday! is a news source covering Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi.