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The June 17, 2024 Simpson County Board of Supervisors was called to order by President Mitchell Chatman followed by prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Bid openings for the purchase of a backhoe loader were opened at 9 AM. Three bids were submitted: Puckett, Case Packer Company, and Stribling. The board moved to take the bids under advisement.
Simpson County Board of supervisors recognized Edward C Hartwig of Mendenhall, Mississippi, for his outstanding and valuable support of the
public safety needs of the citizens of Simpson County at the June 17, 2024 board meeting.
Edward C Hartwig has served unselfishly as the Simpson County Detention Officer from February 23, 2012 through June 30, 2024.
Simpson County resident Sandrena Durr came before the Board expressing displeasure with Supervisor Danny Craft in the handling of non-paving her road. Mrs. Durr spoke in length about the problems in her area with roads. “If I have to speak on something, I do,” Durr informed the board. She feels she is being singled out because of her race. Supervisor Craft assured Mrs. Durr race was not the issue…paving money is the issue. Mr. Craft will check the road to see if potholes can be filled. Mrs. Durr resides at 172 Author Williamson Road.

Mr. James Smith of the Housing authority asked board permission to apply for a grant which repairs houses for senior citizens. Mrs. Melinda Green was present at the board meeting and explained she is already repairing homes with the grant she received. Mrs. Green reminded the board she came before them a few weeks ago asking permission to pursue the grant. A motion was made to allow Mr. Smith to continue with the grant application but died due to a lack of a second.

County engineer Greg Bonds reported Peacock Road Bridge Project and Dry Creek Road project are almost complete.
Road Manager Ben Warren informed the board and public that Simpson County has 2,000 roads. “We are trying to focus on roads with more traffic,” stated Warren.
Sheriff Paul Mullins’ report:
Emergency Operations John Kilpatrick reported 8 county fires. The radio project (Miss Win) is 100 % complete.
Eric Bowen, County administrator, presented the following items:
Charlie Welch reported on the roof situation at the Court House. The problem seems to have been located which will require removal of part of the roof covering to reseal. Supervisor Wayne Womack asked “is there any legal action we can take?” Supervisor Danny Welch commented that when we take the lowest bid on a project, we often get jamed. A decision was made to speak with the architect. Some on site modifications were made without board approval. Attorney Danny Welch will see if “Breach of warranty” would apply.
The Board adjourned into Executive Session. is the source for news and views in Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi