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Simpson County MSU Alumni hosted a send off party for first time students attending Mississippi State this fall. Simpson County has eight new students attending school this fall. Four students were present for the send off party Tuesday, July 30, 2019. Students present were Mark Jeffery Hubbard, Zack Holbrook, Mary Kate Toombs, and Rebekah Allen.
Simpson County Alumni are in their 14th consecutive year of send off parties. The welcoming program helps incoming freshmen and transfer students around the nation continue their preparation for campus life at Mississippi State. It also provides alumni and friends the opportunity to offer additional support and well-wishes.
The Send off parties provide excellent opportunities for the Simpson county alumni and friends to give advice and share their love for the university while encouraging enthusiasm and school spirit to incoming Bulldog freshmen and transfer students.
Simpson County alumni President Sue Ann Hubbard welcomed students, parents, and alumni to the meeting.
Alex Boykin, a recent graduate of Mississippi State, spoke to the incoming students and told them to embrace the journey that is ahead of them and to make the most of the moment. Boykin encouraged the students to get involved in some way. Boykin advised their are many clubs, student governments and social groups to join. Boykin strongly advised for each student to attend all sporting events, but most importantly do not lose focus on what you are there far, an education.
Alumnus Terrance Norwood presented a slide show that gave in site of Mississippi State and what the students could expect. Norwood advised the importance of students to attend class and get to know your professors and advisors. Norwood also recommend to make the most of the experience but keep your eyes focused on the big picture.
Long time alumnus, Roy Terrell, showed each new incoming student the correct etiquette for ringing a cow bell. Each student then had to demonstrate the correct way to ring the bell. Hubbard reminded each student that an individuals first cow bell must be gifted and they should not buy their own.
All students were given Mississippi State t-shirts.