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These days are hard and sad for me. Visitation for Tommy Everett is Saturday night from 5-8 . The funeral is Sunday at 2 PM at First Baptist Church. A full obituary is posted under Obituaries on the website.
I’m not sure I’ll be able to write for a few days…I am turning things over to my fantastic staff as our families weather this storm.
Thank you for your calls, text, comments…ya’ll are the best!
When suicide is involved, we always ask why. From experience, I can tell you there is no cut and dried answer. I truly believe when someone commits suicide, they are not “themselves”…not as we know them. Over and over I keep saying, I just can’t believe this…I just can’t believe this…I would never have expected Tommy to do something like this. Charlie White looked at me with compassionate eyes and said,” Tommy, as you knew him, did not do this.” Charlie’s statement brought much clarity. How true, Tommy as I have known him all my life, would not have done this. Who knows how something creeps into our minds laying eggs of doubt….who knows what makes the world look totally different from one day to the next and sometimes from one minute to the next.
I have lived next door to my Uncle Tommy since I was born! He has always been beside me or across the street. No more…but the memories, the love, the caring will never leave my mind. And as I leave my driveway everyday, I will look across the street and smile…because I was blessed with an Uncle who always loved me…and Aunt and Uncle who taught me so much about life.
It was Tommy who stood by me (along with others) when Larkin died. It was Tommy who held my hand when my daddy, my mama…and my Gilbert died. Tommy has always been “just across the street”…now, he will always be in my heart forever.
Please remember, Susan, Buddy, Spencer, Brittany, John and Houston as they face these days. There is wonder working power in prayer…and we need yours.
Sue, I did not know him but have had a similar experience in my family. Maybe he ended his life because he could no longer navigate it under his terms. There are indignities and ills, as you know, that come along with the aging process. These cause many, including me, to fall prey to self-reflection or self-pity: These can be temporary states, but we convince ourselves life is not going to get better, Yet, most of us are able to get up the next day and see that the sun is shining –even metaphorically. Some are not able either to talk themselves through to a better or more acceptable view of their lives; some are unwilling to admit they need help, and that dependence is not bad. we just don’t get what we want when we want it–kind of a description of being spoiled.
Resilience and purposeful living play a role in being able to continue living when life is undeniably hard. i don’t know the circumstances, so I am being very general. i cannot condemn those who seek an end to their pain; and I rest in the knowledge provided in the Bible that no one (not even oneself) ca remove God’s children from His hand.
I think I have fallen into a wordy pattern, and I don’t want that. i am sorry for your hurt, your loss, the loss for all of those who cared for and about him. Let God’s grace minister to your heart. Do look back at those in the Bible who experienced depression. Perspective and accepting the ministration of your caring friends will help you now, and as time passes, that perspective will help you to have a reason for his choice that you can live with.
No one ever knows the reason, but God will lead you to an answer that helps you move forward. Within the past year, suicide claimed the lives of two young men in our community in Crystal Springs, one of whom I had taught. I had recognized his hurting those many years ago, but he just made bad choices to live with his pain. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. If you need someone to listen to your heart cries, my # is 601 892-3614, and no, I am not trolling for clients. I appreciate your services through the magee.comnews, I like you are leaving the news in the hands of others as you and family share and love together. I pray for your strength to continue as you minister and accept the ministry of others. In Christian love, Dot Ainsworth Day