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The Dixie National Rodeo signals the kick off for the wagon trains to head toward our Capital City.
I have been covering the Smith County Wagon Train for several years! The first year I went, I could not believe the people involved! Wow, there were wagons, horses, porte-potties, flag men, chuck wagons the fields were full!
The 2022 ride began Saturday night at Jack Underwood’s home. The first stop was an area in front of the National Guard Building—lunch time! One could smell the meat cooking! The group gathered to prepare the journey to Sanatorium. The gang camps near Boswell. The next stop after Sanatorium is D’Lo Water Park Monday night. Tuesday night is behind Piney Woods then on to Florence with the goal of reaching the Coliseum by Thursday.
One of the biggest changes I noticed this year was the wagons. Years ago, almost everyone was exposed to the elements. The wagons were rough—just like I thought a wagon would be! The “rough” wagons have gone by the wayside.
I was given a tour of the “Cadillac” of wagons! Ya’ll, I really don’t even know how to express what I saw! The ceiling was quilted. There was a bathroom, tons of storage areas, refrigerator, small stove, and on the back, a Blackstone grill on one side and a smoking grill on the other. The wagon also has a chuck wagon attached. Food, hay, feed etc is stored in the chuck wagon. While I was there, the side was open allowing for a feeding bar!
Now, everyone doesn’t have the “Cadillac,” but everyone’s wagons were great! Dempsey Sullivan was the leader of the pack. A couple of wagons came from Pokeville—and they were fine! Each wagon expressed the personality of the owner. The American flag is flying high during the ride.

In addition to the wagons, more horse ridders were involved than in the past. Some of these people have been ridding for 30 years! One young man told me he had been ridding on the Wagon Train all his life!

Two and even three team mules were pulling the wagons. Some of the mules were brown; some white; some black!

This group of folks loves one another. They love God. They love country. And they love a simple way of life.
Truly, a band of brothers.

Check out the video for a first hand look
Home page picture is Latasha Mills and her daughter. Let me tell you, that little girl could handle that big horse. Latasha works for the City of Mendenhall
nbsp; is an online news source serving Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi.
the people on the ride are people I would like to meet. love of God, each other, and our country. i would like my horse and I to ride with the Mt Olive train. i need imfo. Thanks for any help.