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Standing room only was available at the Magee Board of Alderman meeting Tuesday evening March 21, 2022.
Again, Ward 2 had no representation with the absence of Alderman Matthew Hickman. Mayor Dale Berry was unable to attend the meeting.
Mayor Pro-Temp Lane Steele called the meeting the order. Paul Arnold addressed the board or a personal attack toward Alderman at Large Sue Honea. During the March 7, 2023 meeting Alderman Mark Grubbs and Alderman at Large Sue Honea were in discussion concerning complaints from citizens about the appearance of the residents and surrounding area within the city limits. Honea advised she was receiving numerous calls concerning particular properties. The address were discussed.
Paul Arnold met before the board Tuesday night to express his disappointment for calling his parents property out in public. He considered it a personal issue and stated to Alderman Sue Honea he felt it was a personal attack. He felt Honea should have approached him personally about the issue and not in public. The concern is over some vehicles that are parked on the side of the street. Arnold argued the vehicles were operable. According to zoning codes any vehicle not operable must be enclosed in a garage. Arnold said the vehicles are not driven due to the vehicles having no insurance.” The vehicles have been parked in the same spot for years and never been a problem. Why now,” stated Arnold? Arnold advised he would not be moving the vehicles under any circumstances
Hall Berry then approached the podium and asked Alderman Honea if she knew for fact what the zoning code said. Alderman Honea relied yes because she had laid eyes on the ordinance.
Next the the podium was Vince Chatman. Chatman is the owner of Magnolias of Main. Chatman advised he was sorry for the incident that happen Saturday night concerning the shooting in Magee. Chatman advised the shooting did not take place on their property but in the street. The structure is marketed as an Air B & B with music entertainment, parties, showers, etc. No other discussion took place concerning the venue or incident.
Grass cutting bids were received and taken under advisement.
A zoning hearing was held and a variance was granted to Anthony Kohen.
Park Director Jimmy Zila advised the lights on the boys Filed #1, #2 and #4 will need contactors replaced. He is working on prices at this time. The board approved accepted Stanley Graves lowest bid to add sinks to the bathrooms at the city park. The cost is $3800.00. Zila advised the high school softball teams desire adding signs to the fence to help raise money for their program. Peoples Bank, who has the contract for the field, has no problem with helping the schools.
The board approved to move a part time employee with the city to full time and allow them to be the dog catcher.
Police Chief Shane Little had no activity or information to report. There were no business matters from the Building Inspector, Airport, or Fire Department reported.
Meeting entered executive session to discuss personnel matters.
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