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It appears statewide voting is running smoothly with a lighter turnout.
There have been several issues reported by voters in Hinds County including four (4) precincts were reported not available to cast a ballot by 7:00 a.m. There were electronic poll book issues as well. We have also received reports in Hinds County of voters having to vote by affidavit ballot because poll workers could not locate the voter in the electronic poll books. Hinds County Republican and Democratic Executive Committees are primarily responsible for conducting this election in Hinds County.
In Madison County, five (5) precincts have been reported as affected by an erroneous database. Voters in the Highland Colony precinct, Ridgeland Recreation Center precinct, China Grove precinct, Gluckstadt at St. Joe Catholic Church precinct, and Ridgeland 1st Methodist Church precinct are being provided ballots for the special Senate District 25 election and not all voters in those precincts are eligible to vote in Senate District 25.
· Highland Colony Precinct: 1990 voters in Senate District 25; 1863 voters in Senate District 26
· Ridgeland Recreation Center Precinct: 3061 voters in Senate District 25; 2445 voters in Senate District 26
· China Grove Precinct: 2432 voters in Senate District 25; 10 voters in Senate District 26
· Gluckstadt at St. Joe Catholic Church Precinct: 2272 voters in Senate District 25; 1779 voters in Senate District 22
· Ridgeland 1st Methodist Church Precinct: 1337 voters in Senate District 25; 873 voters in Senate District 26.
We have received several questions as to why there are Republican candidates who have suspended their campaigns still on the ballot. Presidential candidates were determined on December 15, 2015, as nationally recognized candidates with additions made by January 19, 2016. Therefore, all Republican candidates were included even though they have suspended their campaigns. Political parties could add to the ballot but not eliminate those candidates.