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Mendenhall High School Announces 2023-2024 Homecoming Court

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Mendenhall High School is pleased to announce its 2023-2024 Homecoming Court. The court will be presented during the school’s homecoming game against Morton, Oct. 6, 7 p.m., at the Mendenhall High School Tiger Stadium.

Members of the court include:

Football Maids

Destney Hicks

Logan Banks

Senior Maids

Kinsey Brewer

Zhikeya Capels

Junior Maids

Aby Allen

Chloe Woodard

Sophomore Maids

Saniyah Griffith

Lily Wright


Freshman Maids

Peyton Loftin

Reese Neely

Senior Beaus

Nicholas Gardner

Johnny Nolan

Front Row (left to right): Aby Allen, Junior Maid; Logan Banks, Football Maid; Kinsey Brewer, Senior Maid; Zhikeya Capels, Senior Maid; Destney Hicks, Football Maid; and Chloe Woodard, Junior Maid

Back Row (left to right): Saniyah Griffith, Sophomore Maid; Lily Wright, Sophomore Maid; Nicholas Gardner, Senior Beau; Johnny Nolan, Senior Beau; Peyton Loftin, Freshman Maid; and Reese Neely, Freshman Maid is an online news source serving Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi.

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