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Watson Dollar is the son of Donald and Pam Dollar of Magee. Watson is a soon to be 24 year old young man that continues to bless everyone that comes in contact with him. The story he can now tell of the childhood struggle with his condition of Autism is amazing to hear. Watson was born as a chubby cheeked little boy full of life that always carried a smile on his face and full of chatter. It wasn’t until the age of 18 months, that Donald and Pam noticed a change in Watson. He went from speaking full sentences using the vocabulary of about 150 words to only speaking 3 to 4 words at a time. The last word Watson spoke before Autism erased his ability was the word “light”. The day Watson had been scheduled for an ear-tube surgery, he lay in his father’s arms as the anesthesia that was administered dimmed his consciousness. His head rolled back, body went limp as he gazed at the bright fluorescent lamps above him, and uttered his last word “light”.
Watson was soon diagnosed with the dreaded disease, Autism. The journey began with his parents bombarding Watson with therapy, enrolling him in Magnolia Speech School in Jackson, enlisting the best doctors available and attending the latest Autism conferences. Watson’s parents did everything possible to loosen the Autism’s grip, but it would let go. Donald and Pam eventually accepted reality: The disorder had permanently severed communication in their only child and, in doing so, isolated him from the world. Watson was lost and he wasn’t coming back. So they thought.
Watson awoke from sleep thirsty and came into the kitchen where Pam had left a half-empty bottle of water on the counter. He reached for it but Pam, sitting close by, quickly grabbed the bottle and drank the water. We can only imagine the agitated feeling experienced by Watson, when Pam tried something she had never tried before. Pam grabbed her IPad and typed the words, “Mom is sick, when someone is sick they have germs, germs can make you….”. Watson hesitated, then grabbed Pam’s hand and slowly typed the last word of her sentence: “sick”. Pam couldn’t believe it. Watson not only understood, but he was able to respond. It was then that Watson’s world was opened forever. As Pam continued with the breakthrough, she decided to press her luck and ask Watson “Is there anything else you want to tell me?” It was then Watson grabbed her hand and typed the words she had been longing to hear her whole life: “I love you, Mom. Very much.”
Watson’s room is filled with a vast collection of his favorite books, Dr. Seuss. Watson spends his days mostly with his father, Donald, exploring the many things the day brings.
During a conversation one day with Pam, she made a statement to me that I will never forget. Pam stated God has blessed her in so many way with Watson’s autism. Pam is the Executive Director of the non profit organization Ms Parent Training and Information Center in Jackson. Pam has full filled the God’s calling to help so many people with children that suffer with disabilities. Ms PTI is there to help people learn about their rights and responsibilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), make informed decisions about their child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP), obtain appropriate services and communicate more effectively with school professionals. Pam along with her dedicated staff come together with other parents who share concerns and desires to make a difference. They help parents learn more about early interventions and transitions in a world that seems lost. You will see Pam fighting for the rights of children with disabilities anywhere from inside the classrooms to the steps of our Capitol.
So My Dear Watson, We Salute You. You have blessed our lives in ways you will never know, or will you?