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Forgiveness is a concept that’s often easier to speak about than to live out. When someone has wronged us deeply, the hurt can feel like it’s carved into the very core of our hearts. It’s natural to want to hold on to that pain, as if letting it go diminishes the wrong done to us. But in reality, holding onto unforgiveness only weighs us down and creates a barrier between us and the freedom God desires for our lives.
The Bible reminds us that forgiveness is not an option for believers—it’s a command. Ephesians 4:32 calls us to forgive others as Christ forgave us. Consider the magnitude of this truth. Jesus bore the weight of our sins on the cross, extending forgiveness to us even when we were unworthy. His example of grace towards us sets the standard for how we are called to forgive others.
Yet, forgiving someone doesn’t mean the hurt never happened. It doesn’t justify their actions or imply that reconciliation is immediately necessary. Forgiveness is about releasing that person to God and freeing ourselves from bitterness. When we hold onto bitterness, it poisons our hearts and keeps us bound in chains of anger and resentment. But when we choose to forgive, we open the door for God’s peace to fill the places in our hearts that pain once occupied.
Is there someone in your life you need to forgive as you move into 2025? A family member, a friend, a colleague—or perhaps even yourself? This week, take that first step toward forgiveness by bringing the situation to God. Pray a simple prayer, asking Him for the courage and grace to forgive. You may not feel like forgiving right away, and that’s okay. Forgiveness is often a process, but every small step brings you closer to the freedom God promises.
Choose forgiveness today, and experience the healing power of God’s love in your life.