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The following information was released to me around 9:45 PM Wednesday concerning the oil spill in the Okatoma Creek.
“In the storms on Monday evening a tree fell on a section of above ground crude oil pipeline belong to Genesis Energy. An exact amount of crude lost is yet to be determined.
The EPA, DEQ, Genesis and local officials are on scene and monitoring the cleanup efforts. WSES is also on scene working twenty four hours a day. A number of booms have been strategically placed from the point of damage downstream through Simpson County.
Precautions are being taken to lessen the impact of the escaped crude oil. There is no immediate danger to the public.”
I’m just saying, why was an “open” pipeline running across a creek? I thought pipe lines were either underground or supported or encased to prevent accidents such as a tree limb hitting the pipe. I’m not saying, this didn’t happen….because Monday brought some kind of rain and wind…but if the pipeline was being or had been monitored through the years, why was this line not supported or for lack of a better word, necked! The line broke on Monday and was not discovered until Tuesday afternoon…how much oil was released into our little creek? What affect did the swiftness and rise of the water have on the spill down stream?
The Earth is ours to keep…and Simpson County is ours to keep. We as citizens of our county need to be aware of environmental situations.
I’m sure the oil company is doing all they can do…yes, they are working 24/7…but if this line had been supported or encased would the pipeline have broken? Who knows…and we will not know unless precautions are taken all over our county to be sure pipe lines running anywhere near water are secured. If you have a pipeline running through your property…check it out…don’t let Okatoma Creek become an oil field.
Thank you to the pipeline workers who are working diligently to clean up this mess. You are some tough guys.who desire our streams clean.