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In early May a dear and special friend of mine, Kami Gordy Wert, suffered a brain bleed/stroke. Kami is only 48 and has been in great health.
I have known Kami all her life! Her parents, Al and Jacqualine Gordy, are very dear friends. Al and Jacqualine have walked the “road” with me for many years. They were there when I needed them…and still are!

Kami’s month long battle has been just that a battle. There was a time, we were all afraid she couldn’t climb out of the situation…but, Kami did climb out! Monday, June 19, 2023, Kami rang the bell and was discharged to come home (the Coast).
Kami is so funny…she talks all the time! You can imagine some of the things she was trying to say! I think she entertained the entire hospital (ICU) with her wild speeches. She called friends who could not understand a word she said…and then she would just hang up!
Kami was moved from St Dominic to Methodist Rehab.
Hard work and determination plus an entire state praying got her where she is today. She is not 100% but she can walk and of course talk!
We all know how quickly our lives can turn upside down…the world we knew is now gone and we are thrust into a spinning world which we do not even understand. I am sure, Kami and her family are experiencing changes.
I will never doubt the power of prayer and friends. Prayer is what has kept me going all these years after losing a son and husband.
Please keep Kami in your prayers. She is so special to me! is an online news source serving Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi.