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The following information was submitted by Mr. Delbert Walker
How real is the threat of Global Warming? Several years ago we heard “The Sky is Falling” because the depletion of the ozone layer was going to expose us to radiation levels that cause cancer. We were forced to stop using Right Guard deodorant because the compressed gas in the can, when released, helped deplete the ozone layer. We had to buy the more expensive freon for automobile air conditioners because the older type of freon caused ozone layer depletion. Did we fix that problem? Must have because the story disappeared from the news.
Now there’s global warming. Al Gore is a spokesperson raising the cry that will save us from the threat. What are his credentials? How credible is he as a person? One measurement of human impact on global temperature is apparently one’s “Carbon Footprint.” That’s a term representing our use of carbon fuels that add to the warming and/or addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. It’s said carbon dioxide layers in the atmosphere trap heat adding to the earth’s temperature. One major cause of carbon emission is fossil fuels burned to create electricity. One who uses excessive amounts of electricity may be adding to global warming. I’ve read that Al Gore’s monthly electric bill averages $2400. Mine is far less, leading me to question Al’s sincerity and his knowledge of his subject. Al also reportedly claims to have invented the internet??
Scientists tell us that much of North America was covered by glaciers as recently as 14,000 years ago. The earliest known presence of humans in what is now the United States dates back to 13,000 years or less. Archaeological digs near Clovis New Mexico show an early existance of humans only 10,500 years ago. Scientists suggest the reason for the delay of humans moving south to this area was blockages by glaciers. Human presence here began when the glaciers retreated, making travel possible as well as availability of food and game for the hunter gathers who made the trip.
Evidence of global warming is cited as the melting of glaciers/ice in the Arctic.
My question is this. What caused the glaciers covering North America to recede 14,000 years ago? Certainly it was not industrialization and excessive use of carbon fuels. There was no civilization here to be industrialized. It appears that in cycles of unknown frequency, climatic patterns change across the globe. What’s happening to Arctic ice may simply be a continuation of the cycle that ended glaciation. I’ve seen documentaries showing aquatic fossils in what is now the Sahara Desert. I’ve heard that explained as due to the earth’s “wobbling” as it spins on its axis. This wobbling places regions of the earth into varying exposures to the sun. If true, there’s nothing anyone can do about this apparent warming trend until the wobble changes again as part of the ”cycle.” None of us live long enough to testify about patterns and changes that occur in cycles involving thousands of years. I’m reminded of a story of a moth that lives on the giant redwood trees. The trees live for hundreds of years.The moth lives for seven days. If someone could ask the moth whether its host tree is alive. The moth might say “I’ve lived here all my life and seen no evidence of that.” A similar scenario may explain why we humans don’t recognize “global warming” as part of a repetitive cycle. This cycle can only be corrected by balancing earth’s wobble as you would a tire on your car. Any ideas? Wal Mart perhaps.
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(Opinions of Mr. Walker are not necessarily those of