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A flu shot is the best protection against influenza for adults and children, reducing your chances of becoming ill by about half, and making illness and hospitalization less likely if you do get the flu.
There are even more protective steps that adults and children can take:
• Wash your hands: Flu viruses spread by touch as well as through the air. The flu virus can survive for hours on surfaces and be transferred to your hands, eyes, mouth or nose when you touch them. Washing your hands thoroughly and frequently with soap and water keeps you safer from infection.
• Washing hands right, for adults and kids »
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth: This is one of the main ways that flu (and many other germs) spread.
• Keep surfaces clean and disinfected, especially in areas that may come into contact with those who have the flu. Clean surfaces are less likely to harbor flu viruses.
• Limit exposure to those who are ill: Flu is very contagious. If you are caring for a sick person, take extra hygiene precautions, and limit the time you spend in close contact.
What you can do to help others:
• Stay home if you are sick: Limit your exposure to others when you are sick, including public places and your workplace. If possible, stay home until 24 hours after your fever ends.
• Cover your coughs and sneezes: Use a tissue and discard it immediately, or cough into your sleeve.
• Wash your hands: Clean hands help prevent you from spreading flu viruses to others. Use soap and water, or if they are not available, an alcohol-based sanitizer.