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COVID-19 Tips, Resources and Relief Efforts
COVID-19 Cases in MississippiAs of Friday, October 9, the Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) reported 862 new COVID-19 cases and 6 new COVID-19 related deaths, bringing the total number of COVID-19 cases in our state to 103,681 and the total number of deaths to 3,080. Although the general, statewide mask mandate has been lifted, State Health Officer, Dr. Thomas Dobbs, still recommends Mississippians wear a mask to help limit the spread of COVID-19. Help keep Mississippi safe by continuing to make the best decisions for you and your neighbor. |
Comprehensive Safe Recovery OrderGovernor Reeves recently announced the details of his new comprehensive Safe Recovery Executive Order. Executive Order 1525 replaces the Safe Return Order and its amendments and combines all social distancing measures into one Executive Order. The Safe Recovery Order relaxes a few social distancing restrictions. A few of the relaxed restrictions include:
The Safe Recovery Order is in effect until Wednesday, November 11 at 5:00 PM. Click here to view the Safe Recovery Executive Order.
COVID-19 Safety Preparations for the 2020 General ElectionThe Secretary of State’s Office (SoS) remains committed to ensuring local election officials have the necessary items to make voting precincts as safe as possible on Election Day. With assistance from the Mississippi National Guard, SoS distributed 117 pallets of COVID-19 safety supplies with an estimated value of more than $542,000. The items were purchased with Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) funds given to our state for the 2020 federal election cycle. Each pallet contained boxes of masks, face shields, gloves, disinfecting wipes, germicidal cleaner, and one-time-use pens and styluses — all of which were products purchased from Mississippi vendors. The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) donated roughly 8,700 bottles of hand sanitizer for the counties as well. While the Mississippi State Department of Health data shows a consistent decline in COVID-19 cases, SoS will continue to encourage COVID-19 preventative measures at the polls. Click here to read additional COVID-19 safety information. |
COVID-19 Public Health Guidance for Healthcare SettingsThe Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) released COVID-19 prevention guidance for healthcare settings. MSDH officials recommend the following prevention actions to prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in health care settings. Outpatient Medical Services: 1) Mississippi physicians should continue to use telemedicine services as appropriate to reduce the volume of patients in the clinical environment. 2) All patients with suspected COVID-19 should be assessed in a private location, with Surgeries and Procedures: 1) All patients should be assessed for COVID-19 prior to surgeries or procedures:
Click here to read additional guidelines for healthcare settings. |
Executive Orders
Executive Order 1526 | Executive Order 1526 directs Major General Janson D. Boyles, Adjutant General, to order out officers and enlisted personnel of the Mississippi National Guard as he deems necessary. |
Executive Order 1525 | Executive Order 1525 replaces the Safe Return Order and its amendments, and combines all social distancing measures into one Executive Order. |
Executive Order 1524 | Executive Order 1524 extends the September 15th budget deadline for 24 Gulf Coast and inland counties. |
Click here to view all Executive Orders.
Emergency Contact Information
Office of the Governor of Mississippi Tate Reeves |
(601) 359-3150 |
Mississippi State Department of Health | (877) 978-6453 |
Mississippi Emergency Management Agency |
(601) 933-6362 |
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | (800) 232-4636 |
Mississippi Department of Employment Security | (601) 855-3133
1-888-844-3577 (toll-free) 1-888-772-0061 (toll-free)
| is an online news source covering Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the Sate of Mississippi.