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Coach Dick Wendy announces proudly that two of his very own players signed with CoLin Wolfpack Soccer Team.
Alex Boykin and Williams Escamilla of Magee High School Trojans join CoLin Soccer Team.
CoLin Soccer Team is coach by Junior Noel, a native of Trinidad. Coach Noel has experience on the international level as a player and coach. He played for the Caribbean Republic’s national soccer team and moved to the United States in 1994 after accepting a soccer scholarship to the University of Mobile. As a student-athlete at Mobile he was selected as a First Team NAIA All-American in 1995 and 1997.
Alex Boykin, son of Greg and Patrice Boykin, signs with CoLin Wolfpack to play the sport of his dreams, Soccer.
Williams Escamilla, son of Jose and Alma Escamilla signs with CoLin to become a might Wolfpack Soccer player.