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Following a video shared with me last week, much discussion was held concerning who was responsible for the cutting of the property past the RR bridge on old highway 49.
I personally thought MDOT would be in charge. But, soon learned that MDOT only cuts two times a year. If the city wanted the area maintained…then the city would need to cut.
Tim Bray, City Superintendent, got his guys on the mowers early Wednesday morning and bush hogged the area along the highway. I know the area is not manicured, but the cut “cane” poles does clean up the appearance.

Also on the Wednesday”s list were the ditches from highway 49 to Main Street. The guys did a great job. Our men are working hard to improve our city.
The Parks and Rec Department has taken over all parks except McNair Springs. The City park looks so much better. We still have tons of work needed at the play ground…but at least the area is mowed; bathrooms cleaned; and trash emptied daily. Hats off to Jimmy Zilla and his guys!
Don’t forget the Pot Hole Patrol is in full force! If you know of a pot hole in the City of Magee that needs repairing, contact City Hall (601-849-3344)..and get on the list!
Just a reminder!!! Clean up at the Magee Police Department beginning at 3:30. All help is needed. Bring tools…pine straw…and elbow grease! The clean up is under the direction of the Magee Development and Improvement Committee. is an online news source serving Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi.
Great job thanks.
Our city workers are working hard to get things done! We all need to help! Keep your own stuff cleaned up and if you happen to see trash around pick it up! It takes everyone doing what they can to help our city look better. Come out and help when a workday is planned rather than complain .