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Bids to manage the City of Magee auction were opened Tuesday night, January 16th, at the Board of Alderman meeting.
Two bids were submitted: Hollingsworth Enterprise Inc of Forrest and May & Associates of Magee. The Hollingsworth bid listed a 6% payment. The May bid listed a 7% payment. The Hollingsworth bid requires transportation of the sell items to be paid by the city. The May bid list no transportation cost. Ten cars and 8 pieces of equipment will be listed in the auction.
A discussion was held concerning the pros and cons of each bid.
Hollingsworth list his auction items on the internet and May does not. In the past, James May has held several successful auctions. The board felt the larger pieces of equipment would sell better at the Forrest auction; whereas, the cars would sell best in Magee.
The Alderman approved a motion to accept the Hollingsworth bid to sell the equipment and May bid to sell the cars. (The auctioneers will need to approve the change before proceeding.)