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Magee week hits a little different this year. It hurts more than any loss my Tigers have ever faced. You see for the past 15 years my paw in law and me have had a rivalry going on as big as Magee and Mendenhall combined. He often introduced me as a good girl besides the fact I was a Tiger! He loved me anyway! I would give him fits just to see his glare as I cheered for the Tigers on the Trojan side! He was the biggest Trojan fan I know. I know he’s still cheering them on in Heaven chanting his Trojan chants! I know he’d start today or probably yesterday with his remarks. I can’t tell you how bad it hurts not to hear them. I could go on and on about this man and his love for them stankin Trojans but I’m going to end this post with one for him! Trojans I hope y’all take home the W Friday night I hope y’all realize y’all’s biggest fan is missing from the stands! Papaw I hope somehow you see this post because it won’t happen again! We love you and we miss you Calvin Blair I hope them boys pull through and this ones in memory of you!
Leslie Chappell Blair is an online news source serving Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi.
If you are interested in sharing a “Trojan or Tiger” story, email Sue.