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Board of Supervisors meeting was held Monday, November 7, 2016.
October minutes were approved.
Buddy Wolverton/ County Engineer gave his report and update on all projects ongoing.
The board also approved to increase the weight limit for the bridge on the Siloam Road to 80,000 pounds to accommodate the needs and concerns of the water bottling company trucks coming in and out from the plant.
Speed limit was changed for Reese Powell Road to 35 miles per hour.
Ben Warren/Road Manager gave his monthly report. An easement was granted for Bernard Blackwell road for water drainage from ditch. An easement was also granted for James Bridges Road for ditch work as well.
Glenn Jennings, Emergency Management Coordinator advised about the drought and burn ban. According to Jenniings the county would have to receive five inches of rain before the burn ban would be lifted. Presently we are seven inches bellow normal for rainfall.
Sheriff O’Cain gave his report. Permission to send 2 dispatchers to school. Sheriff to attend Winter conference, Send an officer to county law enforcement academy, pay dues for the national sheriff association, Change officers pay from full time to full time certified, pay car tags for unmarked county vehicles. purchase Golden Eagle Law Enforcement Software for 3 months.
Tommy Joe Harvey, Chancery Clerk, gave his report. Approve Simpson county board school leases. Certificate of attendance for Ted Blakeney attending 2016 Justice Court Fall conference, Choctaw, MS October 5-7.
Rhuel Dickinson, County Administrator gave his report:
- Approve increasing the Solid Waster Petty Case fund for making change to $300 from $150 due to increasing numbers of $100 bills used for payments and authorize immediate issuance of a check for $150.00 for this purpose.
- Approve the Letter of Engagement, Risk Assessment statement, MD & A preference, and appointment of County Administrator, Rhuel Dickinson, as audit representative with the Office of the State Auditor for the 2015 fiscal year annual financial and legal compliance audit.
- Approve the contract and immediate payment of the invoice to Information Technologies, Inc. for the Sheriff’s Office Management Software package and training in the amount of $15,587.00.
- Ratify the burial of diseased cows belonging to Vincent Pruitt of 702 Airport Road that died due to a fly disease as recommended by a veterinarian.
- Approval of the List of School Bus Turnarounds as recommended and approved by the Simpson county School Board on October 13, 2016.
- Consider the request of Donnie Caughman, Exec. Director, Simpson County Development Foundation regarding the possible application for a recreational grant to construct a hiking trail to Simpson County Lake from the Co-Lin Community College Walking Track.
- Approve the letter of agreement to provide garbage pickup for the Simpson County Jail.
- Approve the part-time employment of Minnie Parker on a temporary basis to help organize purchasing records for purchases for fiscal ear 2015 and part of 206 at the hourly rate of her previous employment.
- Approve applicable travel, registration, lodging, and meals for Supervisors and staff to attend the Mississippi Association of Supervisors Winter conference january 3-5, 2017 in Jackson, MS.
- Acknowledge and Record in the Minutes
- Simpson County Park Commission Financial report of September 30, 2016.
- Outdoor burn ban extension until further notice on October 27, 2016.
- Simpson County Economic Development district Resolution declaring certain industrial properties in the Simpson County Industrial Park as surplus and offered for slae in accordance with Sate Law.
- County Engineer Notice to T L Wallace Construction Inc. regarding SAP-64(17) that all working days have been depleted and that liquidated damages are now in effect.
- Office of State Aid Road Construction MDOT notice of compliance with Bridge Posting Requirements pursuant to the recent bridge inspection
No further business meeting was recessed until November 15, 2016.