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Simpson County Board Meeting April 9th, 2015
Call to Order—-Mrs. Doris Perkins, Board President
Invocation & Pledge—-Sammy Welch
Approved Agenda
Approved Minutes from 3 previous meetings
Announcements—– 2 upcoming workshops. One held April 21st and the other held April 30th @ 6pm
Student Recognition—-Glenn Harris Presented several students with certificate of excellence after placing in the Vocational Regional Competition.
Mrs Debbie Davis asked for new text book policies to be approved….Motion made, 2nd, approved.
Mrs. Davis presented new curriculum to board for review.
Tom Duncan requested to renew Board Policies—–approved.
Jeanie Pigg, Special Services—Amendment request—-approved
Consent Agenda
a. Bus Turnaround
B. Permission requested from Magee Elementary to accept 144 dictionaries from The Dictionary Project
Contractual Agreements
A. MS Office of Student Financial Aid and SCSD
B. Join Pinola and Mendehall High School (Consultant)
Travel Agenda
A. Sharonda Jones and Jada Deal request permission to travel with Magee Middle School and High School cheerleaders to MSU cheer camp May 28-31, 2015
B. Joe Ann Floyd requests permission to attend the Making Connections Conference, June 9-12, 2015 in Biloxi, MS
C. Dr. Bo Huffman requests permission to attend Skills USA Leadership and Skills Conference, June 20-26 in Louisville, KY
D. Brenda White and Carol Ann Drane request permission to attend the National HOSA Leadership Conference in Anaheim, CA.
HOSA funds
E. Fran Bridges requests permission to attend NSBA’s Southern Regional Leadership Conference, July 19-21 in Biloxi, MS
District funds
F. Glenn Harris requests permission to attend the 2015 MASS/Alliance Summer Convention, July 12-16 in Biloxi, MS
Finance—–Presenter: Duane Fewell
A. Request approval of Assets Disposals
B. Request approval of Monthly Claims Docket
C. Request approval of Financial Reports for February 2015
D. Approve bid for depositories of district funds
Legal—–Larry Clark, Board Attorney
18 yr old wanting permission to sign himself out of school with parental consent—-denied
Two items set aside for executive session
Superintendent’s Report—-Glenn Harris
Update on land for new elementary school….
Board approved for a topographical survey (Landmark)
Mr Harris requested for board to approve expenses for a ”dynamic” speaker, key note/motivational speaker, Dr. Larry Bell to give lecture on “12 Powerful Words” to educators on Aug 3rd, 2015…..Approved
Dr. Bo Huffman presented expenditures for CPE Program (For next school year, estimated at approx. $412,000)…..Approved
Huffman also presented info on new vocational classes and 1 new instructor for the technical center which would come from the Carl Perkins fund. New classes would be Intro to Agricultural Science and a safety and law enforcement program…. Stated that numerous students are wanting these classes. Would be available to all students in Simpson County, including home-schooled students.
(All info was given to Board to review) Board took this under advisement and tabled for future meeting.
Executive Session
Certificate of Excellence Recipients Pictured:
Kierra Berry, Sophmore at Magee High School
Micah Macoy, Junior at Mendenhall High School
Elisabeth Hall, Senior at Mendenhall High School
Simpson County Superintendent, Glenn Harris