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I’m just saying, people will misquote you in a second!
When I arrived home Sunday afternoon from my Horn family Christmas in Pelahatchie, my answering machine was blinking. I hit the button and a lady from WLBT left a message for me to return the call concerning the death of Jacob Allan in Magee.
I called the number I was given on the message and spoke with two people who ask for information on how Jacob died. I told the producer the death was caused by an accidental gunshot. I never said a hunting accident or how the accident happened. I thought everyone was “on the same page” as I explained that basically all I knew was that the gun discharged striking 12 year old Jacob. I was asked where Jacob was hit, but I refused to answer because I didn’t even want to go there…that was way to personal an issue for me to discuss. I told him the parents’ names were correct on MageeNews and to be sure the spelling of the last name was Allan and not Allen (an error I made in an earlier post).
The person said they had that correct.
Later, I received another call from WLBT from a lady who I feel must have been working their social media. Again, she asked almost the same questions. Again, I just stated the facts. I even informed the lady I had a personal interest in the family…Philip and Jean are long time friends…Michael works with me and…and the children visit sometimes.
What to my wondering eyes should appear, but on twitter much more details that I ever gave and stated their source as
I have no problem sharing information with other media outlets. I’ve always been willing to share information with any media outlet.
But I’m just saying…may not happen again.
Michael called me and told me what was on twitter and then MS News Now as well as the awful comments posted on Facebook page. Michael knew I had not said those things …he knows me to well.
I received a personal comment on FB page from a reader who alerted me to the situation of questionable post. When I read what some people had written, I was horrified…and the thing is…these people were from way up north…not anywhere around even Mississippi or us. We immediately blocked and deleted the inappropriate post. I really believe in all my life I have never seen such terrible comments. On our Facebook page, we have no control over a comment (except to later delete)…on the comments are approved by the administration. What is the matter with people that they would attack a family in the worst possible time in their life? These people are sick…and as one of my friends said: “They do not have Jesus in their hearts,” another friend said “they don’t even have Jesus in their zip code!”
My prayers are for the Allan’s…the entire family…and the huge circle of friends that love them. Deep down, I am praying for people who have so much evil in their heart. Life is short…we don’t know from one minute to another what will happen…never turn your back…criticize or judge someone else. You never know what shoes you may be walking in tomorrow.
My heart is broken for the Allan family…and I believe everyone in and around Magee, Simpson County, and Mississippi feel the same way…to lose a child is devastating forever… you don’t “get well.”
I’m just saying, don’t always believe everything you read…and watch out who you talk to…they’ve just lost my trust…and do not need to ever call me again for anything. Just saying…I love my people…and they are not my people.