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The BOS meeting for July 1, 2024 was called to order by President Mitchel Chatman followed by prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mrs. Evelyn Copeland, former Simpson County resident and a past director of Keep Simpson County Beautiful, introduced Mrs. Karen Moseley from Braxton as the new director for Simpson County. Mrs. Moseley stated,” I will dedicate time to this project,”

Mrs. Joyce Hicks, court clerk, reported cases for the past months: 747 cases; 710 cases; and 748 cases. “The collection agency hired to recoup unpaid fines is pretty good,” said Hicks.
The minutes from the previous meeting were approved. Chancery Clerk Tim Gray reported on the following:
Tax Assessor Jamie Brewer informed the board and public that the tax rolls are open for dispute. Tax concerns will be open until the first Monday in August. (August 5, 2024).
Sheriff Paul Mullins presented the following report:
Charlie Welch is to meet with the architect concerning the Courthouse on Tuesday (July 2, 2024).
John Kilpatrick informed everyone 892 calls were received during the month of June.
Howard Industries is asking for a 5- or 10-year tax exemption. The Board tabled the matter for further discussion.
Attorney Danny Welch discussed the request for School Resource officers. Tentatively, the pay will be $50,000 per year with two officers hired. Issues such as overtime are still in discussion.
A Mr. Magee, citizen of Simpson County. came before the board requesting clarification on an issue with the handbook which is given to all county employees. Mr. Magee read from the handbook concerning overtime pay and holiday pay for part time employees. The matter was tabled for additional discussion.

County Administrator Eric Bowen report:
MageeNews is the online news source for Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi and beyond.