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Listen, as the Holy Spirit talks to you in a still small voice. Our devotion today comes from 2Corinthians 3:3. For as much as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us written not with ink, but with the spirit of the Living God not in tables of stone, but fleshly tables of the heart.
Paul tells the church of Corinth that he wants them to be excited about serving a Living God. Paul has two brothers in Christ to help him spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Their names are Timothy and Silas. We should be led by the Spirit of God after being saved not by names or people in or on a church roll.
The Holy Spirit will help us to keep the Ten Commandments God’s law as our law; our testimony should be so strong that it melts the stone hearts of people that they want to be a child of God. By repenting, being baptized in a watery grave, being filled with the Holy Spirit, taking up our cross following Jesus and then serving him 100%.
We must remember that God’s work in us is not over when we receive Christ, it has just begun. Father help us to come to you with a desire to serve and obey you regardless of the cost. In your name above all others we pray. Have a great day, tomorrow, and forever.
Rev. Richard Kight
Magee, MS