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At the Tuesday night, August 7th Board of Aldermen meeting, Dr. Maron Lacey assistant principal at Magee High School, presented a plan to close certain streets during school hours.
Magee High School principal Tom Duncan was unable to attend the meeting but authored the letter given to the board.
The following streets will be barricaded Monday-Friday from 7:00 AM until 3:15 PM or when buses depart campus: 1st Street NE at gymnasium and divert all public traffic to 2nd Avenue NE; 3rd Avenue NE barring entry onto 1st Street NE (this is the street in front of the auditorium); and close access to 1st Street NE at 5th Avenue SE.
Student parking would be restricted to the auditorium parking lot and adjacent parking lot across from the football field.
Teacher parking would be along 1st Street NE (if teachers arrive prior to 7:15). If teachers do not arrive by 7:15, parking would be available on Choctaw Street or the parking lots for E Building and across from the Middle School cafeteria. Middle school staff will park across from the Middle School cafeteria.
The parking plan had been discussed with the Magee Police Department who approved the plan and emphasized the need for the street to be closed to through traffic. Crawford explained that children are walking across the street to the gym, band hall, & football field presenting a situation that could lead to bodily harm to a student or teacher.
The Magee Board of Aldermen unanimously approved the plan.