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Ground Breaking for Magee Elementary Tuesday, April 5th at 4 PM

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Due to a forecast of rain for Thursday, the ground breaking ceremony for Magee Elementary School has been changed to Tuesday, April 5th at 4 PM at the new school site location.

The site location is on Goodwater Road that runs behind Tractor Supply.  There are a couple of ways to get there….now some people say I give the worst directions…but I think ya’ll can figure it out!

#1 Get on old 49…from Magee go north toward Sanatorium…take a left onto 11th Avenue (that is the street that is before Catholic Church, runs in front of Johnny Gregory’s shop entrance)…when you take the left..will go over railroad tracks by Cosmetique Beauty Shop…take a right just when you come over tracks…that is Goodwater road…just head down that road!

#2 From highway 49 going north take the first road on the right before the bridge (you will have passed Tractor Supply…near that water tank)…just go down the road and you will find the site

#3 From highway 49 take the road that runs between Walgreen’s and Windy’s….go past old Foxx’s Pizza building…take a left BEFORE crossing the tracks…that puts you on Goodwater Road…just proceed down the road!

I’m just saying…I may not be the best direction “giver” but I can get you there…and half the time my GPS sends me “nowhere”

Hope to see you at the Ground Breaking on Tuesday, April 5th at 4 PM

An exciting day for our schools!


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