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Have you ever been lost in darkness and wished there was a light to guide you through whatever you was facing! Gods tells us to turn on the light switch and he would be our light in this dark world. Many years ago there was a daytime drama called Guiding Light. In our devotion this week we will all discover the most famous light of all time.
Our devotion this week comes from St. Matthew 1:21. “And she shall bring forth a Son and thou shalt call His name Jesus. For He shall save His people from their sins.” The gospel of St. Matthew was written by a man named Matthew by there Ordain of the Holy Spirit touching all people who wanted to be saved! In our reading of verse 21 She is referred to Mary, Thy Son is Jesus. Verse 21 tells us sinned will be saved.
Won’t you as you read this devotion today ask the Lord Jesus to come into your life and save you today for tomorrow may be too late. The Light spoken of in this verse shined from the stable he was born in. To the cross he was crucified onto. The borrowed tomb He was spot in 3 days and then rose to go to His home in a place called Heaven.
One day very soon we will go to a place called Heaven if our name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. Where Jesus will test us to enter into the Joys of the World or He will say depart from me for I never knew you! Thank you for taking time to read this devotion! Have a blessed and victorious week! See you at the house! is an online news site covering Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi.