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The Contract Between Landry and Lewis Architects, P.A. and Simpson Co. School District

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                               David K. Landry AIA, NCARB

                                                                                                             Kevin P. Lewis AIA, NCARB

                                                                                                             Creating Landmarks Since 1910



February 9, 2015


Re:     New Elementary School – Magee

Simpson County School District

Simpson County, Mississippi

CN 14-3468


Simpson County School District

111 Education Lane

Mendenhall, Mississippi 39114


Attn:  Joanna Maddox


Dear Ms. Maddox


With this letter we are pleased to report that as per your directive and the Simpson County Board Approval, we have received all the necessary preliminary investigation reports for the proposed new Magee Elementary School Site also referred to as the Chris Lane property. All of these reports have been returned favorable clearing the way to proceed with the purchase of this site if you so desire.


As you are aware, we engaged Environmental Management Services, Inc for a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for the purpose of identifying any existing of historic “recognized environmental conditions” associated with the subject property or adjacent properties. We engaged Wetlands Consulting Service, Inc to perform a Wetlands Delineation for the proposed property as well as the required inspection for endangered species and presence of any archeological or historic finds. And Finally, we engaged with Burns, Cooley Dennis, Inc for the needed soils investigation.


The entire report(s) from each of these professional firms have been forwarded to the SCSD office for the purpose of being distributed to you for your thorough review and comments.


We will be happy to discuss any/all of the findings of these reports as they relate to the future development of this site. Please feel free to contact the office.



David K. Landry, N.C.A.R.B. Certified, Architect

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