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By Matthew Pudas
I love when I see an old passage in a new way. Mark chapter 4, verses 35-39, are a familiar story. The disciples are in a boat with Jesus asleep. The storm comes upon them and they wake Jesus because they fear they are about to die. As I re-read this story the other day, it occurred to me that these men should not have been so scared. We know for sure that at least four of them, Peter, Andrew, James, and John were fishermen before they met Jesus. They had spent countless hours on this very lake. They had certainly been through countless storms on this lake. They knew how common it was for storms to come up suddenly on the lake. They knew what to do to keep the boat afloat and everyone safe. But, this storm. This storm was different. Maybe the lighting was closer. Maybe the winds were stronger. Maybe the rain was harder. Maybe the waves were higher. Whatever the case, they were scared. They woke Jesus and his response was to calm the storm. Easy. No problem. And then the question, have you no faith? Now, I have been through plenty of storms. Been there, done that. I know my help comes from the Lord. I have faith. I think the disciples did too. But they still got scared. Why? I think this storm WAS different. Something they had never seen before. Something they did not know how to handle. So they did the only thing they could. JESUS! Help us! And, He did. Again, I have been through plenty of storms. You probably have been too. But,… what if there is a storm coming, a different storm, a stronger storm. Have you no faith? For me, this scripture reminds me that there is NOTHING, no storm, that I will ever face that my Jesus cannot calm. For me, that makes my faith stronger. I hope and pray it does for you too.