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Election time brings sign stealing time. One needs to think long and hard before yanking up a political sign.
Our Police Chief, Denis Borges, published an article on the Magee Police Facebook page detailing the consequences of sign stealing.
Stealing campaign signs is a crime in Mississippi, and the law takes it very seriously since it is treated like petty larceny under the Mississippi code. If the value of the signs exceeds a certain threshold, the charges could escalate to grand larceny. (Sun Herald)
Anyone who knowingly removes, alters or defaces a campaign sign is guilty of a crime.
However, if signs or campaign materials are placed on a property without the owner’s permission, then they have the right to remove the sign without penalty.
Campaign signs are expensive. I appreciate anyone willing to seek an office.
Keep your eyes and ears open! According to our Chief, Attention Magee Citizens:
Please be aware that stealing, removing, or defacing any campaign sign is a criminal offense under Mississippi law. Individuals caught engaging in such activities can face significant penalties, including:
Misdemeanor Charges:
Fines: Up to $1,000
and Up to 6 months in jail and the Magee Courier are sponsoring a Political Forum in mid March. We will announce the dates and candidate information soon. is the online news source for Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi