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Simpson County School Board met Thursday, February 8, 2017 for their regular scheduled meeting. All members were present except District 2, Linda Curlee. The board elected officers for the upcoming year. The board was scheduled to elect officers at the January 11, 2018 meeting. Due to the absence of Sammy Welch who was in an automobile accident and the absence of Linda Curlee, the election was tabled until the February meeting. Stacey Herrin was elected – board president, Sammy Welch – Vice President, and Dale Shoots – Secretary.
Dr. Bo Huffman and a representative from Magnolia Roots met before the board for permission to enter into a agreement and contact with Magnolia Roots for interneship and supervisor agricultural programs with the Technical Center in exchange for use and clean up of green houses. The internship would be for the students after school and weekends. Board approved.
The board approved a new system that will go into play that will offer parents the opportunity to register all paperwork that is required at the beginning of the school year online. Previously parents had to complete paperwork for each student in household for each school like elementary, middle, high school, tech center etc. Now only one set of papers will have to be completed per household that will cover each child in household electronically. For the parents who do not have access to computers or computer knowledge each school will have access to offer the parents in completing the paper work. Same paper work that is required each year just done electronically. Electronic filing will help save money in paper use. All forms and proof of residency will still need to be provided manually to each school. Electronic registration will begin in March with all kindergarten and new students. Returning students access will be available later in the summer.
Attorney Welsa Sullivan Leech advised that the federal appeals court has affirmed that the Simpson County School District has complied with its desegregation obligations.
Consent Agenda was as follows:
Magee High School request permission to accept a donation of $3,500 from Howard Industries to support softball program.
Mendenhall Elementary School request permission to accept a $100.00 donation from Janey Jenson Brown in memory of Mr. Al Gray. This donation will used for the library at Mendenhall Elementary.
Audarshia Flagg and Magee High School Student Council (25) requested permission to attend Student Council Conference, April 6-7, 2018 in Oxford, MS The trip will be paid with Trust fund.
Jennifer Thornton, Sara Worrell, and Marcie Tuggle requested permission to attend Jr. Beta Convention, March 28-30, 2018 in Biloxi, MS.
Gwynn James, Amy White, Sydney Magee, S. Smith, LaDena Forehand, LaShunda Overby requested permission to attend MS Beta Convention, March 28-30, 2018 in Biloxi, MS. The trip will be financed by student fundraisers.
Amy White requested permission to travel with Mendenhall Jr. High Gifted students to National WWII Museum, March 2, 2018 in New Orleans, LA.
Renee Welch requested permission to travel with Beta Club to Convention, February 18-20, 2018 in Biloxi, Ms.
Mark Hudson and Mendenhall Band requested permission to travel to Honor Band Clinic at the University of MS February 15-17, 2018 in Oxford, Ms. The trip will be paid by Band Boosters.
Mark Hudson and Mendenhall Band requested permission to travel to Six Flags – Atlanta and Georgia Aquarium for possible performance at each venue April 27-29, 2018. The trip will be paid by band members and band boosters.
Pamela Woodard and FBLA members requested permission to attend FBLA State Leadership Conference, April 11-13, 2018 in Jackson, Ms. The trip will be paid with FBLA funds.
Mendenhall Elementary requested permission to accept donations to the library in memory of Mr. Al Gary from Kathy Davis, Robin Dietrick, Lisa and Carey Hilton, Frank and Kathy Swalm.
Gifted teachers ( Leslie May, Judy Byrd, Dene Miller, Keri McRaney, & Amy White) requested permission to travel to New Orleans, LA to visit World War II Museum on February 19, 2018 for professional development purposes. Self funded.
The following travel agenda was approved.
Elizabeth Christian requested permission to travel to MS Valley State University for Teacher Recruitment, February 19-20, 2018 in Itta Bena, MS. (Paid for with federal funds)
Wayne Magee requested permission to travel to Gaffney, SC and Highpoint, NC to tour the Thomas School Bus manufacturing plant. (All expenses paid by the Waters Truck and Tractor)
Kenneth Carter requested permission to attend MS Gulf Coast Coaching Clinic, February 21-23, 2018 in Biloxi, MS. (Paid for by Athletic Funds)
Joanna Maddox requested permission to attend Heartland Training Conference, April 10-12, 2018 in Nashville, TN. (Paid for through federal funds)
Adrienne Sanders and Shelia Carney requested permission to attend MS Speech Language and Hearing Conference, April 18-20 2018 in Natchez, Ms. (Paid for with federal funds)
Permission for Lillie Hardy to attend the NSBA annual conference, April 6-10, 2018 in San Antonio, TX. (Paid through district funds)
The following Human Resources were presented by Elizabeth Christian.
Accept the retirement of Sara Grubbs, Cafeteria Manager at Magee Elementary effective 03/30/2018.
Accept the retirement of Loretta Barnes, Secretary, Vocational Center Effective 06/30/2018.
Accept the retirement of Carol Drane, Teacher, vocational Center effective 06/30/2018.
Accept the retirement of David Nichols, Teacher, Vocational Center effective 06/30/2018.
Accept the resignation of Christi Wester, Teacher, Magee Middle School effective 05/23/2018.
Virgina Rainey, Instructional Assistant/Bus Driver, at Simpson Central transitioned January 28, 2018.
Employ Katherine Eubanks as a long term sub at Magee Middle
Employ Suzanne Durr as a long term sub at Mendenhall Jr. High
Employ Freda Smith as an Instructional assistant at Mendenhall Elementary
Employ Kristin Laster as a Cafeteria Worker at Simpson Central
Employ Deborah Marchant as a cafeteria worker at Simpson Central
Employ Deborah Brown as a Cafeteria Worker at Mendenhall Junior High
Employ Geralinde Durr as a Cafeteria Manager at Magee elementary.
No further business meeting was adjourned.
Attached is a video of meeting for your viewing.