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Simpson Central School Announces 2023-2024 Homecoming Court

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Simpson Central School Announces 2023-2024 Homecoming Court

Simpson Central School is pleased to announce its 2023-2024 Homecoming Court. The court will be presented during the school’s homecoming game against Topeka, Sept. 28, 5 p.m., at the Mendenhall High School Tiger Stadium.

Members of the court include:

Football Maids

Katie Bairfield

Zylah Burkett

Eighth Grade Maids

Maggie Hudson

Rylee Rainey

Seventh Grade Maids

Keilani Brent

Kiptyn Lewis

Sixth Grade Maids

Sophia Harlan

Triniti Williams

Fifth Grade Maids

Tinsley Aldridge

Kennedi McLaurin

Fourth Grade Maids

Ava Banks

Roslyn Lewis

Third Grade Maids

Sadie Fields

Davee Kate Hardacre

Flower Girls

Kaliyah Johnson

Sadie Sullivan

Crown Bearers

Ayven Clay

Kyndell Hawn


Front Row (left to right): Kyndell Hawn, Crown Bearer; Kaliyah Johnson, Flower Girl; Katie Bairfield, Football Maid; Zylah Burkett, Football Maid; Maggie Hudson, 8th Grade Maid; Rylee Rainey, 8th Grade Maid; Sadie Sullivan, Flower Girl; and Ayven Clay, Crown Bearer

Back Row (left to right): Davee Kate Hardacre, 3rd Grade Maid; Sadie Fields, 3rd Grade Maid; Roslyn Lewis, 4th Grade Maid; Ava Banks, 4th Grade Maid; Kennedi McLaurin, 5th Grade Maid; Tinsley Aldridge, 5th Grade Maid; Triniti Williams, 6th Grade Maid; Sophia Harlan, 6th Grade Maid; Kiptyn Lewis, 7th Grade Maid; and Keilani Brent, 7th Grade Maid is an online news source serving Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi.

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