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A special called Simpson County School Board meeting was held Wednesday, December 14, 2016 at 12:00 pm.
The Magee Elementary Construction Project was on the agenda to discuss the back flow system that was requested and tabled from last meeting. JoAnna Maddox notified the board after further investigation the system would be installed at no cost to the district.
The contract with Fountain Construction for the field house and band hall at Mendenhall High School was presented. Sammy Welch questioned why the bid was higher than previously projected and what drove the price up. Ms. Maddox explained it was due to issues with the ground and six feet of soil will need to be removed and treated. Also, an Intercom system to the band hall would need to be installed. These two large items is what increased the cost. The building of this project comes from sixteen section land profits. When the project was originally discussed, the board ‘s view was to build the same at Mendenhall and Magee High Schools. Funds should be available for future improvements at both schools. Mrs. Linda Curlee questioned the finance department with the increase of money needed for the construction at Mendenhall, would there still be funds available for Magee High School next year. Mr. Fewell stated he hopes funding to be available but it all depends on timber sales and market. Instead of one year, the Magee project might have to wait an additional year.
A letter from the Magee Chamber of Commerce was presented to each board member. The letter asked for the resignation of Dale Shotts due to the comment he made at the last board meeting. Mr. Sammy Welch suggested that Mr. Shotts make a public apology for his comment. Mr. Shotts did in fact make an apology for his comment.
Following the discussion, meeting was adjourned.