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The Simpson County School District hosted a meeting Tuesday night, October 22, 2019 at the Magee High School Library. Bailey Educational Group presented ideas for the school buildings in Simpson County. Gary Bailey laid out the findings of the study conducted by his company as to the options for upgrading the buildings in our county school system.

Approximately 30 people were in attendance.
The Bailey group studied and equated all public school campuses in Simpson County. As Mr. Bailey explained, somethings are hard to hear..but the facts are what they are.
“Public education is based on the public,” stated Bailey. “Our schools may not be luxurious but they will be wonderful…and nothing in this meeting is a done deal. The ideas are ideas…no decisions have been made.” Mr. Bailey urged those in attendance to contact their school board member about what they like and don’t like concerning the ideas.
Here are the slides from the meeting:

Facility studies of each Magee School Campus
Ideas for change
Estimated cost per idea:
Idea 1—$30 million
Idea 2—$70 million
Idea 3—$40 million
Discussion was held concerning the amount of money required and what each plan offered. Again, these plans are ideas only. A general discussion was held concerning the difficulty of passing a bond issue. Until a plan is adopted by the school board, passing a bond issue will be discussed in the future.
Sue Note: I always feel I have to put my 2 cents in the pile! I was saddened by the low number of parents and business people in our community who attended the meeting. There was a meeting held earlier in the week concerning the needs for Mendenhall. A meeting will be held Thursday night at Simpson Central addressing their needs. I want to see an over-all plan that addresses everyones needs. I have no idea what advice was given to Mendenhall or Simpson Central. (I guess I should attend all the meetings!) . Can we pass a bond issue? I don’t know. But for a change in our school buildings, a bond issue is needed. Like everyone, show me the money! In my opinion, Idea 3 has the most merit.
The last slide which is not very clear is a rendition of Idea 3. One of the things Mr. Bailey pointed out over and over was the vastness of Magee High School. His company suggested moving K-6 to the elementary and 7-12 to the in town campus. The rendition shows 1st street being closed during school hours. An administration building would be built facing the gym which would serve all students in grades 7-12. A cafetorium building would be built facing Choctaw Street where the old elementary/middle school building was located. A combined administration building would be a savings to the tax payers and better serve the students. (The administration building would house counselors etc). The school would be fenced with aesthetic fencing. The area would be gated with rolling gates on the main streets. Safety of the students is a factor in every decision made. Mr. Bailey stated that a “front” door was needed to the school. The building facing Choctaw would provide the “front” door.
I know there are many questions. Contact your school board member with your thoughts and ideas. These recommendations were made by a company that “recommends” for a living! They work with school districts all over the state of Mississippi. These suggestions are not just pulled from the air! Research went into each suggestions and recommendation.
Thank you to the staff at the central district, Greg Paes, and the school board members. They are working hard to find the best solution for our children.