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Simpson County School Board met Thursday, March 19, 2020. All COVID-19 rules were followed and social distancing was implemented.
Dr. Kay Berry presented the board with an E-rate application which was approved. The Board Agenda, February Minutes, and Consent Agenda were all approved by the board.
(The Schools and Libraries Program are also known as E-rate which is a Universal Service Fund program designed to help public schools and libraries gain access to affordable telecommunications services and high-speed Internet access.)
The board was reminded that Governor Tate Reeves had suspended school until April 17th. The school district has no concrete information at this time on the remaining days of school. The Superintendent will abide by the Governor’s state mandates and the Mississippi Department of Education decisions. Updates will be provided to the public as decisions are made.
The first order of business was to approve Grab and Go lunches for the district. Lunches will be provided curb side starting Monday, March 23, 2020 from 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. at Magee Elementary, Mendenhall Elementary, and Simpson Central. The children will receive a sack breakfast and lunch along with a book to read.
The board tabled all field trip request to a later date due to the pandemic America is facing at the present time.
Duane Fewell presented the claims docket which was approved by the board.
Superintendent Greg Paes recognized Misty Hanna for being one the 5 recipients of the Sate Leadership Award. Mrs. Hanna was to receive this award in Washing DC this week, but the event was cancelled due to COVID-19. Paes presented the board with the 2020 Board Calendar which was approved. Paes updated the board on the actions taken to reach the children of Simpson County academically. The district is preparing packets that will be available Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at each school location. Internet is not an option for all public-school students; therefore, packets were prepared for all students. The assignments will be graded. The packets will include two weeks of assignments that will be turned into the teachers at the end of the two weeks. The packet will include emails and telephone numbers of teachers along with online resources that parents, and students can use.
Gary Bailey with Bailey Education Group presented the board with the two options the board is entertaining. A side by side comparisons of the previous 4.1 presentations, which were presented to the public, and now the 5.0 options which would include a consolidated high school. Pictures of the consolidated high school are attached. The board took these proposals under advisement.
The following Human Resource Report was approved.
The following resignations and certified recommendations were approved.
The following certified staff recommendations were approved for the 2020-2021 School year.
With no further business, the meeting went into executive session to discuss student discipline.