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Rotary Officers Installed
Officers of The Rotary Club of Simpson County were installed at its weekly meeting on Thursday, September 3, 2015, at Western Sizzlin’ Restaurant in Magee. The installation ceremony was conducted by Rotary International District Governor Barbara Travis, and Assistant Governor Mark Anderson, representing District 6820—Central Mississippi.
CAPTION: L-R, Cynthia Bynum (President); Mark Anderson (Assistant District Governor—Central Mississippi); Barbara Travis (District Governor—Central Mississippi); Nathan White (Treasurer); and Jonathan Cole (Vice President).
Installed as president was Cynthia Bynum. Jonathan Cole was installed as vice president, and Nathan White as treasurer. Mayor Jimmy Clyde, sergeant-at-arms, was not present. Lori McAlpin was awarded the chapter’s first Sponsorship Pin by Mr. Anderson, and Bynum also received Rotary’s Guardian Angel pin.
The Rotary Club of Simpson County is a newly-formed chapter of Rotary International, holding its first official meeting in June of this year. The chapter was lauded by both Barbara Travis and Mark Anderson during their presentations for its accomplishments thus far. “This chapter represents the high degree of diversity among its members in keeping with the structure of Rotary International,” said Travis.
The Rotary Club of Simpson County was chartered this summer with the help of Paul Bucarel, outgoing District Governor, and over 20 charter members. The chapter was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Covington County, spearheaded by Oliver Hite. Mark Anderson presented several items to the local chapter, not the least of which was the chapter banner, gavel, and bell.
This chapter is one of five new clubs in the Central Mississippi District. The district has nearly 2400 members among its 48 clubs.
Rotary International connects leaders, links diverse perspectives, and builds lasting relationships to take action in communities at home and around the globe. The top two reasons people join Rotary are to give back to their communities and to connect with like-minded leaders and friends. Members stay with Rotary year after year for the same reasons.
Rotary International is 1.2 million members strong. There is a collective impact of the family of Rotary Clubs throughout the world. Rotary is made up of people whose sense of responsibility inspires them to give back, to step forward to tackle the toughest challenges, and persevere to create lasting change in communities around the world.
People join Rotary because they want to make a difference. The Rotary Motto is “Service above self—he profits most who serves best.” If this kind of service is something you are drawn to, visit one of the club’s weekly meetings.
The Rotary Club of Simpson County meets weekly on Thursdays at 12:00 Noon at the Western Sizzlin’ in Magee, except every third Thursday when it meets at Louise’s in Mendenhall.
Mark Anderson, Assistant Governor for Rotary District 6820, presides over the meeting of The Rotary Club of Simpson County weekly meeting on Thursday, September 3, 2015, at Western Sizzlin’.
Barbara Travis, District Governor for Rotary District 6820, makes presentation and installs officers for The Rotary Club of Simpson County, at the chapter’s weekly meeting on Thursday, September 3, 2015.
Cynthia Bynum is installed as President of The Rotary Club of Simpson County at the chapter’s weekly meeting on Thursday, September 3, 2015.
[Points of contact for this story is Keller “Skip” Wilson, 601.382.8853, or the chapter president, Cynthia Bynum, 601.214.5594.]