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Peoples Bank Sponsors Touring Show at Magee High School

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Peoples Bank Sponsors Touring Show at Magee High School

On February 7, 2019, New Stage Theatre presented an in-school performance of If Not Us, Then Who? Freedom Rides to Freedom Summer at Magee High School in Magee as part of the New Stage Theatre Arts-in-Education statewide touring program. If Not Us, Then Who? was performed for 9th-12th grades at 10:00 a.m. This performance was sponsored by Peoples Bank.


This original play with music chronicles two historic events that made an unforgettable impact on American history and Mississippi. In 1961, thirteen “Freedom Riders” began a journey to fight racial segregation. In 1964, Mississippians and out-of-state volunteers alike organized “Freedom Summer”, a massive voter registration drive to give African Americans a voice in politics. Interspersed with freedom songs from the movement, this production encourages us to remember that America is at her best when we are working for the common good of all of its citizens. Featuring stories from famous participants like Fannie Lou Hamer and Senator John Lewis, as well as lesser-known heroes like James Zwerg, and Diane Nash, this play recounts the lives of these brave folks whose bold actions continue to inspire us all. If Not Us, Then Who? is best suited for middle and high school audiences and is available for performances beginning January 23, 2019 through May 10, 2019.


The performance was followed by an open discussion between the acting company and the students. The discussion explored the literature, the themes of the play, and the experience of acting.


Directed by Sharon Miles, education director at New Stage, If Not Us, Then Who? is performed by New Stage’s Professional Apprentice Company members Cherry Rendel, Hayden Schubert, Sarah Coleman, and Jordan Williams.


New Stage Theatre is Mississippi’s professional not-for-profit theatre. Winner of the 2019 Governor’s Awards for Excellence in Theatre, the education program tours throughout Mississippi and has a strong reputation for presenting entertaining and educational shows that elevate students’ literary knowledge and problem solving skills.


For further information contact Education Director Sharon Miles at (601) 948-3533 ext. 232 or

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