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The Magee Consolidated-McLaurin Vocational Attendance Center Historical Society intends to make a difference! In celebration of Martin Luther King,Jr Day, society members as well as a host of volunteers spent Monday working at the “old elementary school.”

The goal of the organization is to restore the old Magee elementary gymnasium and one of the classroom buildings.

The Magee Consolidated McLaurin Vocational Attendance Center Historical Society is a nonprofit promoting the history of the Goodwater Community and McLaurin School.

For over seventy years, the group has worked to preserve history. Preserving the past and capturing the future, the society members strive to make the building not only a place for gatherings, but a link to making a difference in young people’s lives.

Approximately 70 volunteers joined the day of service. As society member Kim Jackson said, “Let me say, the Lord sent who we needed…young people!’ Magee and Mendenhall students worked side by side. Mrs Kimberly McDonald McCann, leader of the Magee High School FCCLA, brought her students.Coach Josiah Lee and Assistant Coach DaMarus Burkett, basketball coaches at Mendenhall, brought their entire team!

If you know of anyone who is in possession of memorabilia from McLaurin School or the Goodwater Community, please contact Kim Jackson. is a news source covering Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi.