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A City of Magee Town Hall meeting was held Tuesday, July 30, 2024, from 6-7:30 PM at the City Hall Court Room. Zoning Director Penny Aguirre and Building Inspector Kara Lucas facilitated the meeting. In order to educate our citizens concerning zoning and permitting, the ladies explained in detail areas of concern.

“We follow procedures,” stated Penny. “We don’t make up the rules, we follow the IPMC code book as well as the city ordinances.” Penny explained the codes protect property owners.
The Zoning Committee headed by Jim Ball studies the requested changes or questions. Mrs. Aguirre is the fact finder sharing information with the Zoning Committee who then make a recommendation to the Board of Aldermen. The final say-so on a property comes from the Board of Aldermen.
A discussion was held concerning the number of illegal dumpsters in the city and on Highway 49. Penny has contacted the different business who are not in compliance…not one time but probably 5 or 6 times …A business dumpster must be enclosed on 3 sides and not in site of the highway. “People just ignore our request…the next step is a citation and court,” explained Penny.
Building Inspector Kara Lucas explained the importance of getting a permit. There is no cost for the permit application. Information concerning properties in Magee as well as code and city ordinances are available in the packet.
Kara emphasized, “the “codes” make the decisions not Penny or me.”
Many of the needed forms are on the city website.
Several good suggestions came from members of the audience.
If anyone has questions, call City Hall (601-849-3344) and make an appointment for a meeting with Penny or Kara.
Sue Note: A special thank you to Penny and Kara who have worked diligently to get zoning and permitting information to the citizens. Tonight made the 5th Town Hall meeting Penny and Kara have conducted. is the online news source for Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the state of Mississippi.
Hey people!!!!!
Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!