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Burn ban update, 10/19/2015: The City of Magee & surrounding areas continue to be under an officially declared emergency suspension of all outdoor burning. The combinations of extreme drought, low humidity, & brisk winds have prompted the NWS to post fire danger warnings for this area. A fire in this extremely dry vegetation, & under these weather conditions, will have the potential to rapidly expand to life threatening wildfires consuming large acreage & property. Numerous large scale fires, requiring multiple agencies & resources to control them, have already occurred in the past few days. Please exercise good judgment & help us by: 1) observing the burn ban – no type of outdoor fires are allowed! 2) If you smoke, make sure your cigarette butts & other smoking materials are completely extinguished before disposing of them – properly. 3) promptly notify the local authorities if you see any outdoor burning that is occurring.
Thank you for your continued cooperation.
Charles Valadie, Fire Marshal – City of Magee