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Mendenhall Wins Blood Bowl Challenge

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Mississippi Blood Services hosted the 2021 Simpson County Blood Bowl.

Students and faculty from Magee and Medenhall schools competed to see who could donate the most blood.

The community was allowed to take part last week in Magee and Mendenhall.

The challenge was close with only 6 units separating the winner. Mendenhall was declared the winner!

In this challenge no one is a looser. Everyone wins when donating blood.

Thanks to all that participated.

All seniors that donated blood will receive blood chords for graduation.

Pictured is Bill Broadhead Principal at Magee High School, Audarshia Flagg – Lead Teacher at Magee, Romonica Feazelll – Principal at Mendenhall, Mr. Jack Jinkins – Mendenhall High School, Dana Brohaugh with Ms Blood Services and Simpson County Superintendent Toriano Holloway. is an online news source serving Simpson and surrounding counties as well as the State of Mississippi.

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