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Wow, life changes fast! My long time pharmacist, Jonathan Styron, has sold his business to Walgreens! What am I going to do without Christy, Melinda, T, and Jonthan? This crew has taken care of me for many many years! They exemplify customer service!
I am excited for Jonathan who has been in the pharmaceuticals business for 42 years!…and I think most of the time as his own boss! This should be interesting! Ha.
Jonathan plans to work part time for Walgreens in Magee.
Christy, Melinda, and T are job hunting…these girls would be an asset to any business! I love ‘em!
Jonathan and I have been friends for many many years. We attended Magee schools together and graduated a few years apart. (I’m the oldest, obviously!)
Best wishes to this crew.
Know you are loved and will be missed.
Pictured: Teresa McNair, Melinda James, Christy Schrader, and Jonathan Styron
If you are a customers of MedCenter, don’t worry, your records will roll to Walgreens. If you are unhappy with Walgreens as your pharmacy, the records can be transferred to the pharmacy of your choice. The MedCenter phone (601-849-3393) will also transfer to Walgreens.
Sue the prez
(On another note, the closing of MedCenter leaves another empty space in Medical Towers of Tuscan Court)