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MEC Blueprint Mississippi
The weather may have kept some of us away from the Mississippi Economic Council breakfast meeting but not 57 committed citizens of the surrounding area. Learning about what our area has to offer was top of their list!
Blueprint Mississippi Focus Areas are: Economic Competitiveness, Educational Achievement & Workforce, Resource Management and Technology Commercialization. The nine goals of Blueprint Mississippi are: Strengthen and Expand Mississippi’s Economy; Cultivate a More Robust Workforce in Mississippi; Support Mississippi’s Creative Economy; Increase the Educational Achievement Level of Mississippians; Promote Healthcare as an Economic Driver; Continually Develop Infrastructure for a Competitive Economy; Cultivate Diversity , Community Cooperation and Racial Reconciliation; Increase the Availability of Financial Capital; and Improve Communication and Coordination among Public, Private, and Non-Profit Leaders.
Kelly Boutwell, Emily Bates, & Beabe Wilson from the MEC were present to work with participants and discuss what is available and goals for our area. Mack, a representative from Blue Cross was present to discuss health care.
Following breakfast and the program a round table discussion followed.
Heads were spinning and ideas were flying. Putting Mississippi in the place of greatest opportunity was the goal of the meeting. Mayors from four local communities were in attendance: Magee, Mendenhall, Collins, and Taylorsville.
Thank you to the Magee Chamber of Commerce for sponsoring the MEC Round Up.
Pictured: Glenn Harris, Greg Paces, James Smith, and Tom Duncan
Fontaine McNair
Doris Adcox (Chamber executive director), Diane McPhail (Chamber Board Member), and Emily Gates (from MEC from Pearl)
Mayor Mendenhall Todd Booth and Board of Supervisor Brian Kennedy, David Keyes
Whitney Baker, Mayor Jimmy Clyde and Susan Herrington
Pictures by Kim Neely
da,da,da, yea, yea, yea, lots of hot air but never any action