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Today, the Mississippi Board of Animal Health (MBAH) issued a certificate of veterinary inspection to Santa Claus of the North Pole, permitting Mr. Claus’ reindeer entry to the state of Mississippi for an “annual business trip” the night of Christmas Eve, December 24.
“I am happy to announce that Santa’s reindeer have been given clearance to travel to Mississippi tomorrow night to deliver Christmas wishes to all of the good boys and girls,” said Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce Andy Gipson. “I encourage children to get in bed early so Santa doesn’t pass you by.”
Dr. James Watson, State Veterinarian with MBAH, found all nine reindeer to be in perfect health and free of any illnesses that would prevent them from entering the state. Since the team of reindeer pulling Mr. Claus’ sleigh met all the necessary requirements, Dr. Watson issued the special certification.
“Our agency is charged with protecting the health of Mississippi’s livestock and poultry, and that is a job we take very seriously. So, I am delighted to let the public know that Santa Claus and his reindeer have all the proper certification needed to enter the great state of Mississippi and deliver packages to children who have made the nice list,” said Dr. Watson. The MBAH encourages all Mississippians to leave out treats and milk for both Santa Claus and his hard-working reindeer Christmas Eve night.
The Board of Animal Health was created by the Mississippi Legislature and given plenary power to deal with all contagious and infectious diseases of animals as in the opinion of the board may be prevented, controlled, or eradicated, and with full power to make, promulgate, and enforce such rules and regulations as may be necessary to control, eradicate and prevent those diseases.
The Mississippi Board of Animal Health works closely with the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce (MDAC) and is housed at the MDAC building headquarters in Jackson. To learn more about MBAH, visit